Saturday, June 20, 2009

Setting up house

When you set out to inhabit a cabin originally built as a love shack in the 50s that hasn't seen many tenants in the past 20 years, there is work to do. Everything needs to be cleaned from ceiling to floor, wiping away cobwebs, washing all surfaces, disposing of the occasional mouse carcass, or in the case of two bureaus, dumping entire drawers of former mouse hotels, packed full of strange fuzzy devoured nesting material. One of the bureaus didn't make it through the cleaning process, the smell of rotting rodent permanent even after rounds of bleach, baking soda, and every other cleaner imaginable.

In addition to cleaning, we needed to clear out loads of books and other random items stored in the cabin for years. Thankfully, plenty of old signs, maps and lovable kitschy and functional artifacts such as an Native American bust of carved wood and hanging lanterns remain to decorate the place.

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