Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dig it

After the astounding Brooklyn window box success of last year, which managed to keep me in habaneros and basil pesto all summer, I was eager to try a real garden. We're in a tough spot with a lot of shade so I watched the sun's path for a week or so before picking a decent stretch of ruddy lawn that has decent exposure.

With only a small car and even a smaller budget, I couldn't go for a proper roto-tiller or similar device and was upset to find that the Power Shovel in the garage is actually a snow-blower. So I dug the plot by hand, using my new favorite tool, a digging fork. It's like a short handled pitchfork but stronger than even a shovel. It tears the earth nicely with less resistance than a shovel. Thankfully, the plot of land I chose tore easily, only taking a couple hours to dig a fairly deep 8' x 12'.

dug a small trench around the plot and used some fencing that protects shrubs from deer and other animals in the off season in an attempt to keep both deer and burrowing animals (woodchucks, rabbits) away from the vegetables.

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