Friday, August 7, 2009

Full Moon Magic

I've read that the full moon for August fell on either the 5th or the 6th, depending upon where you check, but this looks rather full to me, taken on the 6th.

Here, in a long exposure, you can see the moon, some lens flare, and Jupiter, the bright white dot to the right and below the moon.

A clearer shot of Jupiter, though not much more detail.

Now, here's the magic I promised. The above shot is a stretch of road, almost just as it appears to the naked eye.

And here is that same stretch of road in a 3 minute exposure taken a minute later. I didn't think a long exposure rendered in moonlight would show off a blue sky and green fields. That streak of red on the road is from the passing taillights of a car. Please explain if anyone understands.

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